Saturday, 26 January 2013

Snow days in England

Whether you love it or hate it, nobody can say that the snow doesn't make everything look that little bit prettier. Until recently, I absolutely ADORED the white stuff - days off school, making igloos in the garden, all rounded off by a cosy mug of hot chocolate.

This year however, was not quite so much fun. Working full-time means that sadly, you don't get a day off because of the weather (boo!) so I sat at my computer at 8am on Friday morning, envying my brother and sister who were still curled up in bed, making the most of their long weekend.

Luck struck when, by the afternoon, the snow was really coming down and management made the decision to send us home early. 'That's great!' I hear you cry, and I would have agreed with you, had not what it seemed like every single boss in town made the same decision, and I ended up stuck in traffic for almost 5 hours. My car also got stuck in the snow and work and I had to be rescued (much to my embarrassment)  by a colleague who could see I was going nowhere fast!

All is not lost though - I got to wear my cosy hat and coat, take some beautiful pictures and spend some time  with my brother and the dog. Yes, the snow may be a pain in the behind, and us brits are never going to be able to stop bulk-buying half of Tescos when it falls - but we don't get it very often so quit your complaining, stick on your long-john's and get out there and enjoy it!

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